
Course Numbering
Curriculum Codes

0-99 Advanced Placement Credit; House Courses; First-Year Seminars;
First-Year Writing; Registrar/Department special purpose
100-199 Introductory-level undergraduate courses; basic skills/activity courses; foundation courses; Focus program courses
200-399 Undergraduate courses above introductory level
400-499 Advanced undergraduate, senior seminars, capstone courses, honors thesis courses
500-699 Graduate courses open to advanced undergraduates
700-999 Graduate only courses (not open to undergraduates)

Areas of Knowledge

  • ALP: Arts, Literatures, and Performance
  • CZ: Civilizations
  • NS: Natural Sciences
  • QS: Quantitative Studies
  • SS: Social Sciences

Modes of Inquiry

  • CCI: Cross-Cultural Inquiry
  • EI: Ethical Inquiry
  • STS: Science, Technology, and Society
  • FL: Foreign Language
  • R: Research
  • W: Writing

To see courses offered during a specific semester, please visit DukeHub and select “Class Search”.

Select from the following menus to filter the table.
Number Title Codes
CHEM 20 General Chemistry Credit
CHEM 21 General Chemistry Credit
CHEM 81S Introduction to Research in Chemistry R, NS
CHEM 89S First-Year Seminar
CHEM 91 Chemistry, Technology, and Society STS, NS
CHEM 99D Introduction to Chemistry and Chemical Problem Solving NS
CHEM 101DL Core Concepts in Chemistry NS
CHEM 101L9 Core Concepts in Chemistry (Lab)
CHEM 110DL Honors Chemistry: Core Concepts in Context NS
CHEM 110L9 Honors Chemistry: Core Concepts in Context (Lab)
CHEM 130CNL The Chemistry and Physics of Cooking
CHEM 130L The Chemistry and Physics of Cooking NS
CHEM 131CNS Therapeutics Molecules and Sustaining Health
CHEM 132 Colorful Chemistry: from Venetian Glass to Paints, Fabrics, & Fireworks
CHEM 132A Colorful Chemistry: from Venetian Glass to Paints, Fabrics, & Fireworks
CHEM 190FS Special Topics in Chemistry
CHEM 201DL Organic Chemistry I STS, NS
CHEM 201DLA Organic Chemistry I at the Duke Marine Lab STS, NS
CHEM 201L9 Organic Chemistry Laboratory
CHEM 202D Organic Chemistry II STS, NS
CHEM 202DA Organic Chemistry II STS, NS
CHEM 202L Organic Chemistry II Laboratory NS
CHEM 202LA Organic Chemistry II Laboratory STS, NS
CHEM 210D Modern Applications of Chemical Principles NS
CHEM 210DA Modern Applications of Chemical Principles
CHEM 210L Modern Applications of Chemical Principles Laboratory NS
CHEM 295 Introduction to Research Independent Study W, NS
CHEM 301 Elements of Physical Chemistry NS
CHEM 301L Physical Chemistry Laboratory NS
CHEM 302 How Does Biology Work? The Physical and Chemical Underpinnings of Biological Nanomachines NS
CHEM 310 Physical Chemistry I NS
CHEM 310L Physical Chemistry I Laboratory NS
CHEM 311 Physical Chemistry II NS
CHEM 311L Physical Chemistry II Laboratory W, NS
CHEM 393 Research Independent Study R
CHEM 394 Research Independent Study R
CHEM 401 Analytical Chemistry NS
CHEM 401L Analytical Chemistry Laboratory NS
CHEM 410 Inorganic Chemistry NS
CHEM 420L Advanced Laboratory Techniques NS
CHEM 493 Research Independent Study R
CHEM 494 Research Independent Study R
CHEM 496 Graduation with Distinction in Chemistry W
CHEM 506 Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry
CHEM 511 Chemistry of Biomolecular Interactions
CHEM 517 Molecules in Life and Disease NS
CHEM 518 Chemical Biology
CHEM 521 Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 531 Organic Chemistry
CHEM 532 Organic Reactions
CHEM 533 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
CHEM 535 Organic Synthesis NS
CHEM 536 Bioorganic Chemistry
CHEM 538 Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis
CHEM 539 Polymer Chemistry NS
CHEM 541 Quantum Chemistry
CHEM 542 Quantum Mechanics
CHEM 543 Statistical Thermodynamics
CHEM 544 Statistical Mechanics
CHEM 548 Solid-State and Materials Chemistry
CHEM 590 Special Topics in Chemistry
CHEM 590-1 Special Topics in Chemistry
CHEM 601 Biosensors
CHEM 611 Foundations of Nanoscale Science and Technology
CHEM 630 Advances in Photonics (GE, IM)
CHEM 690 Special Topics in Chemistry
CHEM 701S Research Orientation Seminar
CHEM 801 Research
CHEM 990-2 Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 990-3 Special Topics in Organic Chemistry
CHEM 990-4 Special Topics in Physical Chemistry
CHEM 990-5 Special Topics in Professional Development
CHEM 995 Graduate Training Internship