Diagnostic Quiz


General Placement Test


The quiz will take 20 minutes and students should have access to a scientific calculator. Only one attempt is allowed.

The score will be released upon completion.

Students are encouraged to take the quiz independently—without using any resources to get an accurate reflection of their preparation.


Registration Tips

Fall 2024 Registration for Chemistry

Chem 99D has a weekly lecture on Monday and two discussion sections on Wednesday and Friday. All components are integral parts of the course. Students who have AP scores of 3 or higher should not enroll in 99D. Additionally, students who have completed honors chemistry are similar are encouraged to take the placement exam available at:

Chem 101DL, 110DL, and 201DL are multicomponent courses consisting of a lecture, a discussion, and a laboratory. The “D” and “L” that follow the course numbers denote the discussion and laboratory components.

Please ensure your schedule has all three to enroll and earn a passing grade in these multicomponent courses. Most lecture sections are linked to specific discussions; therefore, you will be enrolled in the lecture by enrolling in a discussion section.

Chem 101DL has lecture sections 001, 002, and 003, as illustrated below. The time on Monday is for common exams and weekly reviews hosted by Prof. Cox. Students who have conflicts with the Monday timeslot should contact Prof. Cox (charlie.cox@duke.edu) to make alternative exam arrangements.


The discussion sections are numbered 10D, 11D, etc. The first numeral is linked to the specific lecture section. Therefore, 11D is linked to lecture 001, 21D is lecture 002, etc. The discussions are 50-minutes and meet on Monday.


Prof. Grant teaches the laboratory sections, which are denoted as Chem 101L9 in DukeHub. The sections meet weekly in the afternoon from 1:25 to 4:25.


Note that CHEM 101, 201, 202 & 210 laboratories are limited to 14 per laboratory according to fire code and cannot exceed this capacity.