Additional shared instruments include:
Edinburgh Instruments FS5 Fluorometer (2117 FFSC)
- Capabilities include equilibrium excitation/emission experiments, and lifetime measurements
- Open access after training, or assisted operation available
Labconco Freeze Dryer (1202 FFSC)
- Open access after training
Thermo Speed Vac (2117 FFSC)
- Open access after training
Roche qPCR Lightcycler 480 (2117 FFSC)
- Open access after training
NanoTemper Monolith MST (2117 FFSC)
- Open access after training
Malvern Microcal PEAQ-ITC
- Open access after training
Bruker X-band EMXplus EPR Spectrometer (B208 LSRC)
- Instrument owned/maintaned by the Department of Biochemistry
- Equipped with cryo-free VT system
- Continuous wavelength characterization of radicals and metals between 5K and ambient temperature
- Contact: Dr. Kenichi Yokoyama (