Graduate Chemistry Council (GCC)
The Duke University Graduate Chemistry Council (Instagram, Twitter) is the governing body of the Department of Chemistry and serves to coordinate fun and engaging activities for the advancement of the department, both academically and socially. Contact:
GCC 2024-2025 Officers
Carlos Monteagudo, President. Carlos is a fourth-year student in the Franz lab studying copper affects on the conformation and stability of proteins within fungal, bacterial, and mammalian cells.
Loren Smith, Vice President. Loren is a third year in the Warren lab studying NMR hyperpolarization. In her free time, Loren enjoys knitting, reading all sorts of fiction, and convincing everyone she knows and loves to re-watch Disney Pixar's Ratatouille (2007).
Gabriella Krisanic, Treasurer. Gabriella is a second year in the Becker lab working on the synthesis and additive manufacturing of polymeric materials for drug delivery. In her free time, Gabriella enjoys reading, crocheting, and practicing yoga.
Matt Bonacci, Secretary. Matt is a third year in the Becker lab working on catalyst development for the polymerization of isotactic poly(propylene succinate) with functional end groups for applications in stereocomplexed hydrogels. He enjoys frisbee golf, welding fabrication, and adventuring with his dog, Paulie.
Chair Positions:
Recruitment Co-Chairs: Natalie Schulte and Sam Eastman
Hill Lecture Co-Chairs: Claire Ogilvie and Anthony Mack
Fundraising Co-Chairs: Anna Sheinberg and Natalie Labbe
Chemistry Research Symposium Co-Chairs: Avery Vigil and Matteo Fratarcangeli
Outreach Coordinators: Leah Bontreger, Sam Eastman, Sarah Seay and Taylor Thorsen
Media Coordinators: Alex Foret and Gabriella Krisanic
Diversity and Inclusion Committee Representatives: International: Utsuki Yano and Zina Charyshnikova; Domestic: Victoria Cinnater, Alexis Johnson and Anthony Mack
Professional Development Co-Chairs: Leah Bontreger and Natalie Labbe
Alumni Relations Co-Chair: Addison Duda and Matt Bonacci
Graduate and Professional Student Council
The Graduate and Professional Student Council of Duke University (GPSC) advocates for the needs of all graduate and professional students and seeks to build community among this diverse population. All graduate students are automatically sponsored by the Department of Chemistry.