The Chemistry NMR Facility is located at 1241 FFSC. Available instruments are:
Varian INOVA - 400 MHz multinuclear NMR
- 5mm PFG gradient 4-nuclei probe (1H/19F/13C/31P)
- Open access after training or assisted operation available
Bruker Advance Neo - 500 MHz multinuclear NMR
- 5mm BBO iProbe, VT, gradient probe (tunable between 31P and 15N), and SampleCass Automatic Sample Changer
- Open access after training or assisted operation available
Varian INOVA - 500 MHz Multinuclear NMR (B129 LSRC building)
- 5mm RT, variable temperature 1H-X nuclei probe (tunable between 31P and 15N)
- 5mm RT, PFG gradient variable temperature 1H/19F/13C/15N probe
Various high field NMR instruments (600-800 MHz) are also available upon request in the LSRC building. For information regarding training, instrument access, or other concerns contact:
Ben Bobay
Duke University NMR Center
B143 LSRC Building, 308 Research Drive
Durham, NC, 27710 USA
phone: (919) 613-8884
office: FFSC 1242