Requirements & Degree Timeline

Graduate Student Handbook

Graduate Studies Handbook 2023-24

Ph.D. Requirements

NOTE: International students whose native language is not English must enroll in English language courses offered through the Graduate School, during their first 3 semesters, unless formally waived from this requirement by the Graduate School.

Typical Degree Timeline

First Year Students

  • Attend RCR Orientation, which takes place week before classes start to complete 6 of the required 12 RCR credits
  • Register for continuation, Chem 701, and 12 credits of graduate science classes
  • Complete 3 lab rotations
  • Register for any English courses deemed necessary for international students (if student can register for only one, Oral English course recommended first)
  • Chair’s office will finalize formal affiliation with Primary Investigator
  • Register for Continuation, and 8-12 credits of graduate science classes
  • Register for any English course deemed necessary for international students
  • Attend RCR Forums when available, each worth 2 credits towards required 12
  • Register for continuation

Second Year Students

  • Register for continuation
  • Register for remaining courses necessary to achieve 22 graduate science credits
  • Register for Chem 801 Research, 6 credits
  • Complete all required English courses for international students by end of this semester
  • PI submits recommendation for supervisory committee. PI may consult with student or make the decision alone. Supervisory committees finalized by DGS office in December
  • Attend RCR Forums when available, each worth 2 credits towards required 12
  • Register for continuation
  • Register for Chem 801 Research, 6 credits
  • Turn in preliminary examination document to DGS office with copies for all supervisory committee members in early March
  • Supervisory committee members return preliminary examination document, with comments and evaluation, to DGS office to be passed back to students for revision of document. Mid-March
  • Submit finalized prelim document to supervisory committee at least one week in advance of the prelim exam
  • Attend RCR Forums when available, each worth 2 credits towards required 12
  • Register for continuation

Third Year Students

  • Register for continuation
  • Work towards meeting Oral Presentation requirements by this point
  • Register for continuation
  • Turn in to DGS office your Annual Progress Report summing up academic milestones and research completed during that academic year in mid-May
  • Register for continuation
  • Propositional abstract due to Assistant DGS office by August 1
  • Prop committee will return approved or unapproved prop abstracts with comments and evaluation to Assistant DGS to return to students in mid-August
  • Submit revised abstract for review by Prop committee by September 1
  • All RCR requirements should be completed by this time

Fourth Year Students

  • Register for continuation
  • All propositional abstracts approved by committee by September 15
  • Submit finalized written version of the research proposal to be provided to the examining panel by October 15
  • Set propositional exam during first 2 weeks of November
  • Register for continuation
  • Register for continuation

Fifth Year and Beyond Students

  • By this time, students have presented often enough to have fulfilled 2 Oral presentation requirements
  • Turn in to the DGS office the Annual Progress Report summing up academic milestones and research completed during that academic year in Mid-May
  • Students should be working towards completing dissertation in the next year