The appendix on safety is a required component of your Undergraduate Independent Study Thesis. It should include assessments of the chemical, physical, and biological hazards involved in the research project and the steps taken to mitigate these hazards. The appendix should contain the applicable tables of hazards with explanations of abbreviations, a general statement about the sources of information used by the student to construct the tables (usually MSDS), and a statement about using the information from the tables to design all experiments carried out in the research project. If any SOP is used from a source other than the Research Director, the source must be cited in the table using the (author, year) style and a separate sheet entitled "Cited Sources" should be added that contains the bibliographic information for the source. This can be a print out of a separate EndNote file in alpha order by last name of first author. If a table is not applicable, the report should so indicate, e.g., "no biological hazards". Such hazards obviously vary from project to project; for example, a chemical or biological hazards section might well be unnecessary for a computational chemistry thesis, although some discussion about ergonomics would be appropriate.
Download and complete the safety appendix. It should be added to the end of your Undergraduate Independent Study Thesis.