
Our Ph.D. and post-doctoral scholars hold positions throughout academia, government research laboratories, and industry. Companies regularly visit campus to recruit our graduate and post-doctoral scholars.

Positions for Duke Chemistry Ph.D. Graduates

Pie chart showing placements


  • Academia, Tenure Track: Higher education, tenured or tenure track positions
  • Academia Non-Tenure Track: Higher education non-tenure track positions, excluding administrative positions
  • Industry: Private for profit enterprises
  • Postdoctoral: Post-docs and fellowships
  • Public: Federal, state, local government
  • Unknown: We do not have placement information for these graduates

Career Snapshots

Our researchers from the recent past have moved on to positions at:

Universities (post-doctoral positions): University of Michigan, Caltech, Harvard, MIT, Yale, UC Berkeley, Stanford, Oxford, Columbia, UNC-Chapel Hill, NC State University, UPenn, Wake Forest University, Scripps Research Institute, Stanford, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute, Notre Dame, Michigan State University, University of Washington at St. Louis

Companies: Lockheed-Martin, Bana Pharmacaps, Wyeth Biotech, Ameritox, Bristol Myers Squibb, PharmAgra Labs, Reata Pharmaceuticals, Biocryst, CPS Biofuels, GlaxoSmithKline, Accenture, Paradigm Genetics. KBI BioPharma, Genzyme, Merck, Clorox, GlaxoWellcome, RTI Scynexis, Halliburton, Novartis, Agilent Technologies, Eli Lilly, Dow Chemical, G.E., Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies

National Labs: NIEHS, Oak Ridge National Lab, EPA,  Los Alamos National Lab, LBL, NREL, NAVSEA, CERM (Italy), Brookhaven, FDA

Faculty positions: Notre Dame, Northern Illinois University, Rollins College, Binghamton College, University of Rochester, Meredith College, Chinese University of Hong Kong, University of Kansas, University of North Florida, Wayne State University, Kansas State University, Appalachian State University, Radford University, Temple University, Haveford College, St. Mary's College, East Carolina University