Chemistry Graduate Handbook
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The Graduate School's goal is to educate the next generation of teachers, scholars, researchers and professional leaders and to develop the fields of knowledge and research within which these leaders will work.
Conference Support for Ph.D. Students
The Graduate School provides conference travel funding for advanced Ph.D. students who are actively participating in a regional, national, or international conference (e.g., presenting a paper or poster, leading a discussion on their research, etc.). Since the pandemic started, this funding has also been used to support active participation in virtual conferences.
To apply for a travel grant award, please refer to the following guidelines, complete, and submit the application form via email to
- Chemistry Department Travel Guidelines
- Chemistry Department Application Form (to be submitted with the graduate school application and supporting documents)
- Graduate School - Conference Support Award Application
You can refer to the following instructions for assistance in completing all the required forms:
- Sample - Chemistry Department Application form
- Sample - Graduate School Application
- Sample - Travel Advanced Form
- Sample - Travel Expense Forms (to be completed and submitted post travel)
Professional Development for Graduate Students
In response to student and faculty suggestions for a central location for graduate students to learn about professional development activities and workshops, the Graduate School has created a Web page on their website that offers information on current opportunities. It includes featured Graduate School offerings as well as those from offices the Graduate School has close affiliations with, which includes the Office of Research Support, Office of Postdoctoral Services, Center for Instructional Technology, and the Career Center.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
CAPS helps Duke students enhance strengths and develop abilities to successful live, grown and learn in their personal and academic lives. They offer many services to Duke undergraduate, graduate, and professional students, including counseling and psychotherapy, consultation, assistance with referrals, and more. They offer a number of workshops on topics like Mindfulness, Anxiety Busters, Grief and more, and their website contains a host of Self-Help pages on mental health topics and overall well-being.
Tips on Managing Grad School Stress
Your friends at Chemical and Engineering News have gathered several video clips from grad students across the country on how they deal with stress in grad school.
Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity at Duke
Physically located in the Bryan Center, the Center strives to achieve an inclusive campus climate for students, staff, faculty, and alumni with marginalized sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions through education, advocacy, support, mentoring, academic engagement, and providing space.
An ombudsperson offers neutral and confidential guidance to students and faculty on a variety of issues ranging from how to mediate disputes, to best strategies for dealing with a difficult person, evaluating the severity of a situation and determining where to go to get help.
Graduate School Newsletter
Faculty, staff, and student can submit noteworthy items for inclusion in this quarter publication:
Graduate Student Affairs
GSD develops, supports, and enhances its student services and programs through four program support elements: advocacy, communications, student group support, and program evaluation.
Duke Learning Innovation, Graduate Student Training and Development
Duke Learning Innovation and the Duke University Graduate School work closely together and are committed to excellence in both research and teaching. To supplement TA training offered by departments and programs, Duke Learning Innovation and the Graduate School offer a number of courses, programs, and workshops to improve the teaching skills of graduate students at Duke.
Career Counseling for Graduate Students
In choosing a Duke graduate program, you have come a long way toward understanding yourself. Yet you are not a finished product, and your graduate school experience will transform you in significant ways, deepening your knowledge and self-understanding. Earning an advanced degree is a foundation for further intellectual and personal growth, and a pathway to discovering multiple career options.
Academic Support Services
Various resources offered to assist graduate student in research and writing endeavors.
Spring Graduation Ceremonies
While students routinely graduate in summer and fall semesters, Duke University and the Department of Chemistry hold only one commencement each year in May.
Cost of Attendance
Educational expenses broken down by degree program for both Masters and Ph.D. level students.
Financial Support for Graduate Students
Includes applications for federal and private loans, conference travel fellowships, and named University fellowships.