Two Chem Graduate Students Awarded NSF Research Fellowships!

two graduate students

Alexis Johnson and Avery Vigil have been selected to receive NSF Graduate Research Fellowships! Alexis, a member of the Welsher Lab, will continue her research on applying active control within real-time 3D single particle tracking. Avery, a member of the Moreno-Hernandez Lab, will focus their research interests on utilizing liquid phase electron microscopy to elucidate the nanoscale dynamics of catalyst dissolution to inform the design of next-generation electrocatalysts. Congratulations to each of you on receipt of these prestigious (and highly competitive!) awards!

Max McWhorter, a member of David Mitzi's Lab, received an Honorable Mention as did Chemistry graduate Meg Shieh (now at Brown University). Congratulations to Chemistry graduate Caitlin Lamb (now at Princeton University) on receipt of a Fellowship as well!  

See the full list of Fellows at NSF!