2009 Ph.D., Chemistry
Erin Hopper, Ph.D., received her degree in Chemistry in 2009. She is currently the research director in the Office of Research and Graduate Education at the University of North Carolina General Administration, the system-wide office that serves the 17 UNC campuses across the state.
"I entered graduate school thinking that I would pursue a career in industry. About midway through my graduate program I started thinking that continuing a career in bench-top research might not be for me. I found a lot of support and room for professional development with the Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) group at Duke. I joined the planning committee for WiSE and started developing programs. I also participated in events sponsored by the Office of Postdoctoral Services, which helped me develop professional skills. It was my involvement with these two organizations that helped me discover that I was passionate about professional development for science trainees."
Read more about Erin, including how her career plans at Duke changed, and how her Duke education helped her prepare for her current position, in her Alumni Profile, written by Pharmacology Ph.D. candidate Kathleen Hershberger.